Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Another two weeks...

God I suck at keeping up with this. Last couple of weeks in a nutshell

-July 2nd. worst day of them all. City of Seattle decides that sueing Clay Bennett wasn't a good idea after all and settles to let the team leave to Oklahoma City. Oklahoma is NOT ok and we lost a big part of our culture and they will surely be missed. Thats enough about that.
-4th of July weekend was a drunken mess. To get drunk and get paid while youre doin it is so bad ass. Nuff said.
-July 7th through 9th. - Work sucked.
-July 10th and 11th - Memphis: Memphis is a nice town. Small town lure with big city nightlife. I had a good time. Except for the bums. Lots of bums. I was there for a family reunion. Got fucked up with cousins and aunts and uncles and a father all of whom I never see. Classic.
-July 12th and 13th - VEGAS : Lets recap the travel part of this trip first.

*I leave Memphis, or try to. The best part of this whole weekend was the fact that I happened to bring the one debit card I have that doesn't have a pin number. So I can't take cash out of my account at all. Rad of course. So I'm in a taxi on the way to the airport cab driver tells me no cards. I don't have cash. He says pay for my gas we're good. Go to a gas station and Bank of America decided to shut off my card because I forgot to tell them I was out of town and I was spending money like crazy. So what happens, he leaves me there and I walk back to the hotel to get money from my dad. Gay.

*Catch another cab, catch my flight. It's all good right? Wrong. I swear my pilot was fucking drunk for what seemed like the longest flight of my life. I was out all night, hung over, hadn't showered. Flight left at 5 AM. And my pilot is driving like he's an extra in Top Gun. I'm on the verge of puking because this asshole has a tendency to nosedive. But alas, I make it to Vegas.

*Off the flight. Got sleep. Felt better. Get to baggage claim. My bag is RIPPED the fuck open. Clothes spilling out. Perfect.

But now, Vegas begins. My favorite question when someone goes to Vegas, is 'where are you staying?' Because really, noones staying anywhere. Everyones paying for storage, and a place to possibly crash or bring someone back to. But the bachelor party was amazing. I wish I had taken more pictures. Priceless.

Now back to travel anecdotes.

* So we check out at 3. We plan on hanging out for a bit. Everyone else's flight was at 9. Mine was at 6 the next day. I figure Delta's a big airline and I can hop an earlier flight. Well you know where this is going. The worst part, Delta won't let me transfer to a different airline. I'm terrified to pass out in the Vegas airport. I force myself to stay awake the whole 10 hours I'm chilling by myself, even though I had very little sleep that whole weekend. Finally, all fuckin tired and shit, it's time for my flight. Oh my flight got delayed? Weird. Oh my flight got CANCELLED? Fuckin' A. Story of my trip. So what does Delta do?? They stick me on a flight with Alaskan Airlines and give me a 100 dollar voucher that I can't spend on travel?? Life is good :)